Camera Buddies

camera buddy monkeyShreya has never been very cooperative with having her photo taken. Even from the time she was a baby, it was hard to get her to smile. I saw these camera buddies on Pinterest, and decided to make a couple to try to coax some smiles out of her. They didn’t really work for her, but they are too cute – so I thought I’d share real quick how I made them.

How To:cam buddy

I just picked up a couple cute stuffed animals from the Dollar Tree – that seemed a little flimsy and that I thought would work good for this project. They have velcro on the hands and feet which makes it easy to pose them. First, I cut a circle out in the tummy area and removed the stuffing. Then I just pinned and hand-sewed a cheap elastic hairband around the circle. I tested the elastic around my camera lens first to make sure it would be a snug fit.

If you slide the camera buddy all the way back, it doesn’t interfere at all with the lens. I do think it would interfere with the in camera flash, which I don’t really use. But it should work fine with a flash attachment.

What tricks have you found to get your little one to smile naturally?

camera buddies








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